Are you looking for the serial plastic details‘ producer? You are on the right way!
What do we do?
Printplasta performs the serial molding of plastic details according to the customer's needs. We offer easy accessibility, production terms' warranty, loyalty and quality manufacturing services.
Printplasta company was established in 2017 when three friends engineers decided to create their own business and to become the specialists in their field. Through the use of advanced 3D printing technology, the company has successfully started the development of its business. In cooperation with different companies that helped to know the market and its needs, Printplasta has added one more service – serial production of the plastic parts by injection. Today, with the use of the latest technologies and long-term work experience of the staff, we try to ensure work quality and to give the best solutions to our customers. We offer easy accessibility, terms' warranty, loyalty and quality production services. We are rapidly developing and try to become the leading company on the plastic production market.
Plastic Molding
Plastic molding is one of the cheapest and most effective techniques of mass production. The use of this production technology allows you to choose from the wide range of plastic types and colors.
Plastic molding allows to produce not only everyday household items, but also the items requiring the precision and very high accuracy. Therefore, this way of production is considered to be the most efficient and economical.
3D Printing
When printing elements on 3D SLA technology printers, an extremely high level of accuracy is achieved and the products are very strong and durable. It is better to choose this type of technology for the prototypes’ production.
3D Modeling
In order to achieve the highest possible accuracy of specific non-standard parts, Printplasta recommends to make 3D model of the desired detail before production. T With a high-quality three-dimensional project modeled by the professionals, it is placed in the STL form and later is printed using SLA technology.
Plastiko liejimas – pigu, kokybiška ir greita
Šiuolaikinis pasaulis, rodos, sukasi vis greičiau, todėl ir technologijos žengia į priekį žymiai spartesniais žingsniais. Niekam tikrai nėra paslaptis, kad lengviausias ir greičiausias būdas tobulinti įvairias detales – tai gaminti jas iš plastiko. Plastiko kaštai nėra dideli, o plastiko liejimas į formeles neužima daug laiko ir todėl gali būti naudojamas dideliems detalių kiekiams gaminti. Printplasta taip pat naudoja masinę detalių gaminimo technologiją. Daugeliu atvejų,
3D modeliavimas – meno ir mokslo samplaika
3D modeliavimas – tai būtinas veiksmas norint atlikti objekto, detalės ar kito elemento 3D spausdinimą iš plastiko. Visų pirma, reikia suprasti tai, kad 3D modeliavimas yra išties nelengva ir nemažai laiko atimanti užduotis, kurią atlikti gali tik tie, kurie tikrai gerai išmano specialias modeliavimo programas. Žinoma, pamėginti gali kiekvienas turintis galimybes, tačiau tik virtualaus projektavimo profesionalas atliks darbą nepriekaištingai. Kam naudojamas 3D modeliavimas? Ši,
3D spausdinimas – ateities technologija
3D spausdinimas yra tikras 21-ojo amžiaus atradimas ne tik verslui, bet ir kiekvienam iš mūsų. Tai spausdinimo būdas, kai specialiu aparatu, iš plastiko, yra formuojama trimatė forma, kuri, sukurta pagal teisingą brėžinį, gali tapti netgi veikiančiu prototipu. Vis dažniau šis plastiko detalių ir objektų gamybos būdas tampa dar ir populiariu hobiu, kurio atsisakyti tikrai nevertėtų. Vis gi, jeigu 3D spausdinimas namuose skamba kaip itin